API Documentation

Find Similar Cards


POST /api/data/cards/similar


This API finds similar cards based on the input text. It queries a vector database using Upstash Vector to return the most relevant cards, ranked by similarity score.


Header Type Required Description
Content-Type string Yes Set to application/json.
x-api-key string Yes API key for authentication.

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Type Required Description
inputText string Yes The input text to find similar cards for.
topN number No The number of similar results to retrieve (default: 10).

Example Request Body

  "inputText": "What is the best longevity diet?",
  "topN": 5


Field Type Description
results array An array of objects representing the similar cards found.

Result Object Fields

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the similar card.
score number The similarity score (higher means more similar).
metadata object Metadata associated with the similar card.